Jenni Donohoo
Contact Jackie Knight at to inquire about professional learning sessions with Jenni.
Jenni is the author of the Manitoba Remote Learning Framework.
Jenni Donohoo is a four-time best-selling author and professional learning facilitator with more than 20 years’ experience in leading school change. Jenni works in school divisions across North America supporting high-quality professional learning designed to improve outcomes for all students. As the Director of the Jenni Donohoo Center for Collective Efficacy, Jenni has been recognized internationally as an educational thought leader. She has a PhD in Educational Studies and Supervisory Officer Qualifications. Jenni has taught in elementary, secondary, and post-secondary schools and is the former president of Learning Forward Ontario. Jenni has designed and delivered professional learning courses for the Ontario Principals’ Council. She is currently on a contract with the Council of Ontario Directors of Education managing projects and conducting research.